Sunday, August 7, 2011

Day 13 (8/6/2011): Glen's Hop Vice Imperial IPA by Oakshire Brewing

 In the massive haul I received yesterday (picture of which was in the last post), one of the goodies was a swingtop bottled filled with a single batch imperial IPA  named Glen's Hop Vice from Oakshire Brewing in Oregon. I threw it in the fridge right when I opened the box and this was the first bottle I got to enjoy.

Glen's Hop Vice pours a golden body with a fluffy, milky head. It leaves a good amount of lacing on the glass as it dies down. The nose is very hop forward, with a background of caramel sweetness. The hops are fruity, citrusy, resinous deliciousness. The hop flavors are so strong and fresh that they almost seem dank. Very good.

The taste is pretty much the same. Very complex hop flavors, with a good sweet finish. The hops bring a grapefruit flavor, which is one of my favorite tastes in an IPA. The taste is maltier than the nose, but this brings it to balance

I thought the body was really thick, but I forgot this was an imperial IPA, not a regular one. For the former, it still might still be a bit thick, but not by much. The carbonation is medium and about perfect. The booze feel is a little upfront, but the burn is only small.

I give Glen's Hop Vice Imperial IPA by Oakshire Brewing a B+. It is a very good imperial IPA, but in a very tough style, it doesn't live up to some of the heavy hitters. It's still a very good selection, though, and I would definitely recommend it and would grab a pint of it if I ever saw it on tap.

Style: Imperial IPA
ABV: 8.8%
IBU: ?
Beer Advocate: A (Only three reviews)
Ratebeer: Not available due to too few reviews

Acquired via a special box from Oregon. If you're not in Oregon right now, you probably won't be able to get ahold of it, considering that it's a one off batch.

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